Frequently Asked Questions

Home / Batumi Discount Card / Frequently Asked Questions

You can purchase “Batumi discount card” online from our website: or in all of our Tourist information centers, except the Sarpi Tourist Information Center located at a Sarpi custom point.

It’s easy to purchase “Batumi discount card” in Tourist information centers or online from our web-site. At Tourist information centers it is possible to use credit card as well as cash. To purchase is from our web-site use credit card only. Information necessary to buy the card online: name, surname, ID/passport number, credit card details.

You can buy two or more Batumi Cards with one ID/passport (for one person).

It is not necessary to present ID/passport to buy Batumi Card.

15 GEL is a fixed price for Batumi Card. Hence, even if the customer doesn’t need a SIM or a Transport pass, it is necessary to pay the whole price to purchase it.

It is possible to buy a Batumi card for another person, while presenting their ID/passport.

It is not possible to buy only SIM/Transport card in Tourist information Centers. However, you can buy the discount card – Batumi Card which includes a Transport card with 10 passes and a SIM card with 1 GEL on it.

It is possible for more than one person to use Batumi card at the points that have a corresponding preconditions. For example: at restaurants and cafes the discount concerns the whole table (despite the amount of people on it).

Batumi Card is valid for 10 days and the attractions offer only one-off discount deals.

It is impossible to pass the card for use to another person.

It is impossible to renew the card in case it becomes lost or stolen.

Batumi Card can only be used on the territory of Ajara and at the attractions that are included in the card.

It is impossible to visit the attractions included in Batumi Card more than once.